The Westside Ques
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"The Chapter of Friends"
Mu Mu Mu Capital Campaigns
Men Modeling Manhood Mentorship Program
The Men Modeling Manhood Mentorship Program is designed to inject an optimistic environment, attitude, and message into the lives of school-aged males by teaching and encouraging them to positively define, plan, pursue, and achieve their life goals

Tri Mu STEM Program
It is no secret that STEM education is critical in helping the United States maintain a presence in the global stage of technology. STEM education in our schools is essential to spark an interest in pursuing a STEM career for our youth.
The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. is honored to engage in STEM initiatives that are designed to get students excited about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We have given our program the unique brand name of Omega STEM and we aspire to inspire young minds of all ages, even college students to pursue technical careers. A STEM career focus will help students assemble the skills that are needed to prepare for jobs in coding, robotics, electronics, technology, energy, and engineering and, because Omega Psi Phi has a global reach, this unique brand of STEM has the potential to be an impact to kids all over the world. This website gives you a brief overview of some of our past and future programs. We thank you for visiting the site and encourage you to support the success of OmegaSTEM.

Mu Mu Mu Social Action Initiatives
We participate in and coordinate activities that promote good health practices. Some of the programs are the Charles Drew Blood Drive and the partnership with the American Diabetes Association.

Mu Mu Mu Talent Hunt
Provides exposure, encouragement and financial assistance to talented young people participating in the performing arts. Winners are awarded recognition and may be given college scholarships.

Mu Mu Mu Fatherhood Initiative
Every level of the Fraternity, particularly at the chapter level, we are asked to play an active role in support of the partnership by actively engaging in the promotion of the Fraternity’s Fatherhood Mentoring initiative.

Community Engagement/Project Planning
We participate in activities that will uplift our communities. Some of the activities include voter registration, Assault on Illiteracy; Habitat for Humanity; mentoring; and participation in fundraisers for charitable organizations.